Saturday, June 14, 2014

Good Bones and Bad Framing

When discussing houses the phrase "it has good bones" comes up a lot. The idea is that the framing is good; meaning the walls aren't leaning in, rotted framing or other issues related to the structure.
Often these issues are somewhat hidden from view on a normal inspection.
But what if the home has "bad bones"?
Part of the benefit of a home inspection is to find out what kind of "bones" a home has. In the picture to the left you'll see some bad framing and what was done to correct the issue.
The first issue is the studs (vertical framing members) are in two pieces. This, to quote a well known therapist, is not OK. The point of stud is to transfer the weight (aka roof load) down to the foundation.
When the stud is in two parts the structural integrity is severely diminished.
The fix here is the right one.
New studs were installed right beside (sistered) the old, two-part the entire length. Again, right fix.
One place framing is almost always visible is in the attic.
Due to temperature changes, and other factors, roof and ceiling framing can go through some pretty extreme expand and contract cycles. As a result there is a possibility of checking and cracking.
To the right is the top chord of a truss. This is also known as a rafter. It is easy to see the problem here. The framing member has split in two.
The pieces that make up the roof framing on a structure are, obviously, what holds the roof up. Yes, this is just one piece in a rather large house but it is important to note and to repair.
The proper fix for this issue is similar to what was done in the wall framing above. A similarly dimensioned rafter should be sistered to either side of the break. The break should be closed up so as to make the bottoms of all pieces flush and it should be glued and screwed. This will form a sandwich of sorts and provide structural stability.
Minor structural issues are typical in houses of all ages and for various reasons. Like any home maintenance item the issue should be addressed immediately. The danger is the issue being viewed as no big deal and allowed to worsen. The framing, or bones, of a house are no different than the skeleton of our bodies. Everything is connected into a single system and is designed to work together.
When one piece, section or bone is damaged or weakened it also affects the pieces around it.
The issue may have developed while someone was living in the home and they just never noticed. However, when the property changes hands it is the perfect time to have a licensed professional look for these kinds of issues so they can be properly addressed.

1 comment:

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